Catch the Spectacular Geminids Meteor Shower: A Guide for This Week


Hello stargazers! Guess what's happening this week? The awesome Geminid meteor shower is reaching its peak, and you won't want to miss it! Picture this: nearly 150 comets zooming across the night sky every hour. Exciting, right?

The Geminid meteor shower is putting on a show from December 4 to December 14, with the most spectacular part happening on the night of December 14. Now, here's the cool part – you can witness these shooting stars whenever the shower's "radiant point" is high up in the sky.

Let's break it down. If you're in New Delhi, the meteor shower kicks off around 6:53 PM IST on Thursday, December 14. That's when the radiant point starts rising above the eastern horizon, according to the experts at In the Sky. You've got a good chunk of time to enjoy the show because these meteors will be visible until the break of dawn, around 6:36 AM the next day.

So, grab a cozy blanket, find a comfy spot, and get ready for a celestial spectacle. It's like a natural fireworks display, and you won't even need a ticket. Happy meteor watching! 

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